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1 Resultado de traducción para freeze-dry en español


freeze-dry verb

unfavorite favorite play sound

freeze verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
froze, has frozen, is freezing, freezes
congelarse, helarse; helar, congelar; (figurado) congelar; quedarse inmóvil

Ejemplos de uso de
freeze verb

  • The children are going to freeze out there without their coats.
  • The cold weather froze the water pipes.

Sinónimos de
freeze verb

dry adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
seco; sediento; donde la venta de bebidas alcohólicas está prohibida; aburrido, árido; seco (dícese del vino), brut (dícese de la champaña)

Ejemplos de uso de
dry adjective

  • Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the milk and eggs.
  • I don't like the dry heat of the desert.
  • We tried to stay dry in the rain by standing under a tree.
  • The stream is bone dry.
  • Are the clothes dry yet?
  • The paint should be dry in a few hours.
  • a stretch of dry weather
  • a country with a very dry climate
  • This plant does well in dry conditions.
  • The chicken was dry and tasteless.

Sinónimos de
dry adjective

Traducción inversa para freeze-dry

liofilizar  - to freeze-dry